the chair by the lake

I want to seat in that chair by the lake

I wanna see the blue skies up and down

The clear water is a canvas for the clouds and the trees

Everything is double, but me

I wanna feel that cold water in my hands and my feet

I wanna hear the waterfall near by

And I wanna fall asleep

Sitting in that chair by the lake

I wanna see the birds flying over my head

And even the metal ones so loud above

Going about what they gotta go about

But I dont wanna go anywhere but right there

Where the lake faces the chair

Into the woods we go

We walk up the mountains

No sound we hear other than our steps crunching dry leaves

The nature itself is quiet

Too cold to move

Too cold to sing

As we get deeper within the woods

The sounds of the water comes running

Reminding us that life is still going

Some birds are flying

Some are dead in our path

The wind is ever so slight

Chilling our bones

But our fire is burning

It warms our hearts

Nature is home

The stillness of nature before the storm

Doesnt stop the sound of the water running bellow

Doesnt stop the living and the dead

It is there, quiet

But it is there

The top of the trees touch the sky

As we walk by, touching the trees

Learning their story

Their height

Their sorrow

The outline of the horizon is almost blind

When the night falls it will all be one

Breathe in breathe out

All around is perfectly pure

We haven’t yet doomed

We haven’t yet destroyed

Where we find peace

The middle of the woods

Where the fire and wind dance

Where our minds rest

All around is pure

Nature and beauty

Where life is still

But it’s still running



The trees surround us

Give us shelter and comfort

They reach higher and higher

And all we want is to climb

Here nothing else exists

No war

No chaos

No pain

Only what we allow our thoughts to say

But our eyes can only see freedom


It’s fascinating, isn’t it?
We are running around, the earth’s spinning, the whole galaxy is moving…
as I drive off, i see the clouds turning pink, the clouds seem to be running too fast… or is it me?
We are always rushing.
The pink skies turned dark so quickly.
But the moon wasn’t there.
And just like that my dreams fell on the floor.
No falling stars.
No wishes.
The darkness is facing us constantly. We cant stare at the sun. But we can go so deeply into the night.
Rambling. Mumbling. Whispering.
The wind is always saying something we cant quite hear.
My thoughts are blowing with the wind.

Terra distante


Estava correndo atrás de um sonho

De lá a terra nunca me pareceu tão distante

Eu mal conseguia ver sua cor azul

Eu mal podia notar sua existência

Tudo aconteceu depois de olhar em seus olhos

E minha mente soube o que ninguém mais poderia ver

Estávamos vivos

Eu estava correndo

Correndo contra o tempo

Tempo estava dormindo

Tempo escorrendo pelos nossos dedos

Você me acordando

Você sonhando meu sonho

Terra está tão distante, mas nós estamos aqui

World Cup

The flag swings with the slightest of the winds

Is it pride?

To put up the flag of the country you live in

But you hate

Is it pride?

To seat in your sofa

To watch the game

To cheer for your nation

While you are robbed blind?

Is it pride?

That makes you stay home and pretend to fight

While the flag is swinging alone outside your window?

That lonely flag

So high up on the 10th floor of the building

Showing anything, but pride

The delusion of people

That closes their eyes to the troubles of the world

And turn their tv on to see the chase of a ball, of a title, of a trophy

We say we are proud of being born here

We say what we want our country to be

We raise that lonely flag

That no one else will see

We are too busy watching football

While politicians are selling our souls

Who can understand a nation that stops everything to see the ball rolling in such green grass

While our brick houses are falling apart

Who can comprehend their misery

When they laugh of their troubles and just go on?

Maybe these people are right and we are wrong

‘Cause they find happiness in small and meaningless things

While the rest of us is worried sick about everything else

Maybe we should all raise our flags

Maybe we should all find pride

Pride of being happy even when the world is telling us otherwise

Ten Thousand Spoons

She looked at herself. She stared deeply. Her face was like a black waterfall. The damn mascara that was supposed to be waterproof, but she guessed not weepingproof. Her long and dark hair fell perfectly against her back, her bare skin. Her heart was pounding slowly. Every beat like a lazy drummer. She covered her ears as to make the sound of her heart louder. She needed to know it was there. She needed to know she was alive. Cause at that particular moment she felt like she wasn’t. Maybe her heart wasn’t beating fast enough. Maybe it was part of the mockery of life. Of love. The phone was ringing in a distance. Forced her back to reality. She blinked calmly still staring at herself. She walked closer to the mirror almost feeling the cold glass against her breasts. She wiped her face leaving the side of her index fingers all black and wet. She ignored the call. She needed to follow her guts. Her guts was telling her it was time. It was time to put an end to it. No more crying. No more trying. She took the clothes off the floor and got dressed. She knew exactly where she needed to go and what she needed to do. He was walking down the street. Turning the corner. He was alone. She followed him very closely. He had a smirk in his face. How come he can be smiling? She was ready to see the other girl. She was anticipating the pain. But every corner he turned, every street he crossed, he was alone. And so was she. A rush came down on her. Making her run. Making her face all red. She wanted to reach him. When he finally stopped she saw herself standing outside a restaurant. In her head it was a perfect spot. Her only weapon at that point was her long and black nails. She went in with a mission. He was still oblivious of her presence. She saw him being seated. She started to run through the tables looking for a knife. No knifes in sight. How would she stabbed him? How would she hurt him? No forks either. What the fuck was that place? She kept running through the maze of tables looking desperately for just one little knife, and all she could find were spoons. He finally saw her. Her face in distressed. She started to laugh. He looked puzzled. She looked at him and walked towards him. He was a little frighten by her. She hugged him and whispered in his ears, today is not the day you are gonna die. Then she walked out of the place, the rush leaving her body as she did. The panel outside the restaurant facing her back now read “Ten Thousand Spoons – Your dessert destination”.

Plane Crash

Mark was just adding one last shirt to his suitcase. His face was one of nervous breakdown. He knew it was inevitable at that point. His forehead was dripping. Though outside the house they were in the midst of winter. Felt like 20F. The house was warm, but not warm enough to cause that sweat. It was his fear and panic rising. His wife was laughing and trying to put his mind at ease. She always told him that flying was the safest way to travel anyhow. It didnt matter. To Mark, being up in the air and no way to survive if something went wrong was too scary. He didn’t care it was safe, because it was not safe enough for him. He avoided plane trips all his life. Even his honeymoon. Instead of taking the plane and having a short four hour flight, he decided to drive. Which took them almost an entire day. Susan was not happy. What a way to start their marriage, but nevertheless she understood his tremendous fear. Course she would joke around a bit, but she meant no harm, and he knew that. But all the avoidance came to an end. The trip he had to make could not be taken in any other form of transportation. He needed to go to London in a business trip. It was the most important step of his career. Of course he played out different scenarios where he didn’t need to go, but all would end up with him losing his job. Losing what he worked hard for. It was so silly. He finally gave up. It was important, for God’s sake. So there he was, all packed up. Kissed Susan at the door before leaving. His Uber driver was already waiting for him. Mark had kissed his kids earlier. They were still asleep. Beatrice and little John. They were 6 and 4, respectively. Mark felt a sharp pain in his chest as he closed the door behind him. Leaving his family in the firm and stable land. Heading out to chase his deepest fear. The ride to the airport was quite alright. The driver was a talkative guy and took his mind off his anxiety for about 40 minutes. When he was dropped off, the airport seemed so impersonal and aggressive that Mark thought he would not make it pass the doors. The panic rising. He checked in. He only had a carry on and his briefcase with him. He pass thru the security check point, which he thought to be a complete waist of time. What kind of weapon would someone hide in their shoes besides a stinky feet? He was at the gate. Everything went smoothly though he could not see it that way. The amount of people waiting to board was insane. A crowd. He was afraid they had sold more tickets than the aircraft could take. Of course he had no idea of how many people a large boing could hold. His seat was right on the wing. That was good for him, he could see less of the sky and the emptiness under him. He had a window seat. Though he tried changing to aisle, but had no luck. He texted Susan to let her know he was already on board and waiting for departure. Then he turned off his phone without waiting for a reply. He was very concerned that any frequency of his phone could interfere with the flight. The took off was intense. The pressure of the plane speeding on the runway sent his stomach to his back. His hands were sweating and his face was pale. He felt sick. The constant sound of the engine made him nervous. Like he could hear things that he shouldn’t be hearing. The flight to London would take around six hours. He was able to distract himself a little when he realized he could watch a movie. As he was watching, he felt a weird shake. Very soon after a flight attendant made a turbulence announcement. From that point on he could not concentrate on the movie. Every little bump. Sound. Shake. Everything made him jump out of his skin. He could feel the plane changing its altitude. It felt like the nose of the plane was lowering. He saw fear in the attendant’s eyes as she walked by rapidly to take her own seat on the back of the plane. The panic was not only in him now. Everybody on the plane was crying. Yelling. Praying. Everybody came face to face with death at the same time. Mark, all of the sudden, felt the calm irony of life. And his last words, that no one would hear was “well, isn’t this nice?”.